Nephilim the Remnants E-Book
If so, then this book is for you?
In a time long since past, in the forgotten lands of Lore, now known as Arteah, live a few scattered remnants of an antediluvian race: the Nephilim (nef-il-eem). Thought to be half man and half fallen angel, these supernatural titans of strength and might “… were the heroes of old, men of renown.” (Gen. 6:4)
Now, the ancient lands are in peril as one such Nephilim, the evil Count Vladimir, threatens to plunge the medieval world into a new age of darkness. Claiming to be immortal, he conquers towns, enslaving its people and burning their books. And one very old book in particular. But a faithful knight, who is secretly a Nephilim, stands in his way. Who are these Nephilim? What is the mystery surrounding their dark origins and great power? And how is one ancient book the key to unraveling Count Vladimir’s dark age and saving the world?
Embark on a dangerous journey in this epic tale of faith, betrayal, and sacrifice.
This is what readers are saying:
5 STARS -- Dianne says,
5 STARS -- Chris says, "The Next Wave of Christian Fantasy"
5 STARS - Pirate2240 says,
"A great fantasy novel based on a little know species from the Bible for young adults....I received this novel compliments of David A. Henderson and Christian Fiction Book Reviews for my honest review. This is a book geared for young adults from 11 and up who are looking for a great Biblical fantasy story when the hero consults with his King, the Lord God, through prayer and laced with scripture throughout the story, your child is in for a true treat! I love the idea of the author incorporating a character type from the Bible that many overlook and give a rare glimpse at a fictional account most have never heard of until reading this book. I rate this one a 5 out of 5 stars and consider this to be an outstanding alternative for children looking for a great medieval fantasy fiction that is truly biblical based!"
5 STARS - Sarah says,
"Excellent Book! David Henderson is a first on my blog as is his book, Nephilim: The Remnants. What makes him and his book a first on my blog you ask? It's the fact that he is a local author - he lives within a 45 minute drive of myself and yet we've never met! When I think of a local author I think of someone with mediocre writing skills - how wrong I've been! This book is awesome and I really enjoyed a bigger look on one's take of the Nephilim in the Bible. Even though I've read through Genesis I guess I just skimmed over the part where the Nephilim is mentioned (if you don't believe me, grab your Bible, they are there - and come back).
While this book is fiction it is a great and valuable take on the Bible, which is the whole point of this book - to open up the Word of God to those who wouldn't normally pick up a Bible. The characters come alive as the reader meets Princess Johanna, Count Vladimir, and others as they grow in their Faith, share with others and sacrifice. Evil is evil and good is good, there is no blurring of the lines but even the most evil sinner has a chance to accept Christ - which is true of anyone - God loves even the most vilest of people and will accept them if only they will accept His Son and live for Him.
I would say that this book would be good for a 10 year old and up to read, there is some violence as the characters have to fight against evil - but the symbols is of light fighting darkness. Sprinkled though out with a generous helping of Scripture aids in telling the story - it's not forced but seems to flow naturally in the course of the characters conversations as they discuss, share and grow their faith. I might even read this to my almost 6 and my 7 year old as a read aloud so that we can discuss our way through the book and the allegory to the Bible and how the Lord works in our life. If you know someone who needs to have the scales off their eyes but isn't open to reading just the Bible, this book may be just the thing that helps them see that there is Someone who loves them unconditionally and wants to graft them into His family.
I can't neglect to mention the illustrations in the book - also done by David Henderson - the illustrations are well done and in keeping with the story line, feel a bit dated, which only adds to the story along the way. They are black and white and while a young child may want to have an image on every page, they flow naturally along as the story moves on. David has put a lot of time and attention into the illustrations for the story and it really shows as the characters come alive both through the writing and drawings in Nephilim: The Remnants.
**Disclaimer: I was provided an e-copy of this book by the author in exchange for my honest opinion, no other compensation was given."